Trufflepiggy Signup

Sign up or continue with an anonymous account.

No matter what sign up option you choose our extensions work the same. The only difference is that due the lack of personal information an anonymous account requires you to copy and paste a special link to transfer and backup your setup instead of logging in. You can upgrade to an email account anytime later. Your data, your choice.

Continue anonymously ⇨

  • Your email will only be used for password recovery and important updates. We hate spam too.
  • 6 - 60 characters
  • Allowed: 0-9 a-z A-Z _+-.,!@#$%^ &* ();\/| ><":'~
By using Trufflepiggy you agree to our terms of use.

Already have a Trufflepiggy account? Login here.

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We respect your privacy and only use the essential data to create your account.